26. Phiphi I went wandering to another beach & went out for food but the next day I started throwing up & didn't stop for 2 days. It was quite miserable alone in my little hut puking under my mosquito net. Every so often some screetchy vicious monkeys would come in under the roof & fly at me because they wanted plastic bags full of food & it was actually terrifying. I haven't been able to eat since monday but at least I don't feel ill anymore. I have also become a person who gets bitten. It has been like that for a week now. It is weird, perhaps the mozzies here are different to the South American ones. This morning I got a boat to PhiPhi island & I just signed up to my diving course which starts tomorrow. I haven't been sick today & tomorrow it is only theory work so I think by the day after I will be properly well again. All the guesthouses here are over 10pounds a night, but I chose I diving centre that offers dorm rooms for 1pound 40 if you dive with them. I haven't seen it yet though so I hope it isn't too awful. Some of the island is still a bit trashed from last xmas but it is still really nice. |