Beckie goes abroad.


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9. In a bar watching the Dukes of Hazzard
We had a v.nice last day in Cusco, looking in art shops, sitting in cafes drinking smoothies & buying divine things.  I have a v.nice new impractical handbag made of felt, which is idea for pick-pocketing.  Then we watched the Dukes of Hazzard in this bar.  It was crap but ok.  Me & Chlo wanted to watch Batman again, but you have to have a vote with the other people who turn up, as to what you all watch.  Two men with awful bandanas who clearly thought they were the missing members of guns&roses did not understand voting & just kept bellowing ´´we´re watching team america´´ but I explained about compromise & then took the piss out of the british 1 because he said he was from Nottingham & was in fact from the countryside around Mansfield so they shut up.
Then we got a bus to Puno & changed to another bus to get to Copacabana in Bolivia, next to lake Titicarcar (spelling).  It was baltic & by far the worst journey yet, but now we´re here it is v.v.sunny, we´re staying in the hostel that is described as the ´splurge´ one in lonely planet & I´ve got a new book to start.

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