Beckie goes abroad.

beckie with cactus

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16. Salta - Buenos Aires
We got up in the morning & the van came to get us for rafting.  It was a bit tense as, apart from me & Manu, none of the girls & boys were having anything to do with each other, due to the night with the squiggelling & the fact that they are all really v.dull.  It was quite a long bumpy jeep ride & I felt everso sick.  We got to the river, & it was nicer than when I'd done it in Cusco.  The area was a lot greener & prettier & it was properly hot so we didn't need wetsuits or anything.  The water was clean, they said we could drink it, but the actual rafting was shorter & not at all strenuous.  We had a raft of all us 6 girls so it was v.v.nice.  We got soaked & then swam for a while.  Then we got the jeep back to this point on the river with a playground to have a sandwich.  
That evening we went to Manu's hostal for a BBQ.  I have never consumed so much meat before, it was difficult.  I was supposed to be helping to make the salad but I ended up watching Friends with an old man who teaches horticulture at Bristol uni & being served wine. The man had 3.5 bottles of red wine to himself, 40 fags & 8 full plates of meat, it was disgusting.  He was really quite sad, but he did like Friends.  Me & Kristin went back to the hostal & the others went out.  Chloe was carried through the door, more wasted than I think I have ever seen her, at about 7am by Hilary & an American man, they both appeared sober, so it looked like they had found her post-carcrash in a gutter & lifted her back, but in fact they had all been out & Chloe's ankle bites had swelled so much she looks like she has a club-foot.  We all had to get up to get our coaches.  The American girls have gone to Mendosa but are meeting us here, in Buenos Aires, on wedensday.  The bus ride was 20 hours, but wasn't that bad, apart from Chloe's gammy foot, that has become so large we can't bare to look at it.  
It is a bit lonely without the girls, especially on my birthday, but we're going to a big divine market in a minute & I'm going to buy myself presents.

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