Beckie goes abroad.

In Huarcacar.

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3. In Huarcacar
We are in a place called something like Huarcacar.  It is a lagoon surrounded by the most enormous sand dunes.  I feel a lot better because it is hot and sunny & I finally feel like coming away was worth it.  When we got here at about 4pm yesterday, I climbed to the top of one of them with two other people from the hostel.  Chloe started out with us but didn't last very long, so sat near the bottom & waited for us.  She really missed out, it was amazing.  It was hard work getting up them , which felt really good, and when we got to the top it looked like a different planet.  I took lots of pictures but I don't think they really do it justice.  I got a bit vertigo-ish coz it is v.v.high up.  We watched the sunset.  Then we sand-boarded down.  It was SO much fun.  I feel really achy today from carrying the board up the dunes & just the general hard exercise, it feels really nice coz in that last hostel I was lying in bed all day shivering.  

The hostel here is 'party central'.  Wierd but fine.  We haven't been getting involved in any of it & we're leaving tomorrow, going to Araquipa where there are good treks through a canon.  We've not really been eating anything.  I don't find any of the food very appetising.  Although we did go & try the Peru speciality in Lima which is called ceviche and is raw lumps of white fish in the lime marinade which supposedly cooks it, but it is still quite plainly raw.  Chloe thought it was quite nice, which is odd as she is usually the picky one, because I felt like I was doing a bush-tucker-trial.  I felt rude just leaving it so I forced myself to eat a third.  I was gagging & focusing intently at the celing with every mouthful.  For a day after I kept thinking of it in my stomach & retching.

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