James (Scotland, 27.11.02)
I'm sorry you've gone but you've left some smashing people behind you.
It was so good to know you and remember those days at Lambley
Tom Grandson
Frost (London, 25.4.02)
Blimey, what a transformation, and a much more dignified photo of being
in the bath than on my web site!
C (Newcastle I think! 5.11.01)
At this moment I am sitting next to Beckie, she is your granddaughter
(Newcastle I think! 5.11.01)
Hello Grandma
Bull (London, 22.10.01)
Joyce - Haven't seen you for ages, years in fact! I met up with Teen recently
as we have both ended up working for Arthritis Care; sooo, she told me
all about the Little Mother House and I had to have a look around. I hope
you're settled in comfortably now, it looks as if you will be very comfortable,
and I'm glad you managed to keep them all in such good order long enough
to see you safely in! Enjoy yourself in Totnes and take care. Bye for
now - love Janet xx
(Wellingborough, 22.8.01)
Hi Joyce, What a great house you've got. I've really enjoyed looking round
your site and seeing all the pictures. Mum's (Shirley) had a look around
your site and she says's it's great too. All I have to do now is get Nan
(Win) close enough to a computer to show her. I hope you've settled in
and happy in your new home, I'll keep popping back to see how your doing
and what's happened in "The Little Mother House".
(Dorset, 10.8.01)
I left my toothbrush behind, it's in the bathroom.
Roy (Nottingham,
What an epic!! You must all be exhausted. Hope you're very happy in your
lovely new flat, Joyce. It looks lovely and picturesque and my, what carpets!
Lot's of love to you all.
Furre (London, 8.8.01)
What a good site. I will be back to see the updates. Could you put in
a webcam by any chance?
and Sally (Nottingham, 8.8.01)
Fantastic! (this week we're nominating Trina for eviction though - not
enough painting on the walls - and there were nowt wrong with them cupboard
doors!) so lovely to see you in your new home Joyce, hope you are very
happy there. lots of love. x
Ruth (Nottingham,
house, Joyce. Might see a bit more of you now you've moved several hundred
miles further away, as I'm a more regular Devon visitor than I ever was
to Lincoln. I feel a trip to the Cider Press Centre may be in order. I
hope you enjoy your new home.
Bert Culdesac 7.8.01
are buildig a by-pass and need to construct a round-about on the site
of your house. In the interests of traffic flow we are prepared to relocate
you to Lincoln (soon to be twinned with Vladivostoc). ps don't expect
and John (Lincoln 30.7.01)
Hello Joyce, hope your journey down wasn't too harrowing. Loved the web
page and I've added it to our favourites. Three cheers for all the workers.
Ann and
John (Lincoln 29.7.01)
Hi Joyce, Just had a sneck round your new house, it looks lovely. Louise,
Steve, Teen and Peter must have put hours in to make it look so comfortable
for you. Hope you had a good journey down and that the pub in the photo
serves Gold Label. Have you taught them how to serve a 'Joyce' (whiskey
with a drop of)!